Highway District 5


District 5 header
The Department of Highways District 5 provides services to an eight-county area, including
 Bullitt, Franklin, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble Counties.

In addition to the construction and maintenance of over 3,500 lane miles of state highways/interstates and 1,400 bridges/structures, District 5 staff coordinate all aspects of road development, from planning, design, right-of-way purchasing, and traffic signals to administering construction contracts. The District 5 office also performs highway maintenance, including pothole patching, mowing, and snow removal.

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Bullitt County​​​
Franklin County
Henry County
Jefferson County
Oldham County
Shelby County
Spencer County
Trimble County

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*This report summarizes the upcoming week's major projects (beginning Sundays).

Pothole patching, sweeping, drain & ditch cleaning, striping, pavement marking, and maintenance crews may work on major interstates in the Louisville Metro area during non-peak daytime hours and at night. Motorists should watch for roadside maintenance on interstates and highways throughout the district daily.

Inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances may occur. The information provided in the Roadshow report is strictly of an advisory nature and is subject to change without notice. 

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Looking for older News or Traffic press releases? ​For District 5's archive, CLICK HERE. 
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The Department of Highways District 5 provides services to an eight-county area, including Bullitt, Franklin, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties.  In addition to the construction and maintenance of over 3,500 lane miles of state highways/interstates and 1,400 bridges/structures, District 5 staff coordinate all aspects of road development, from planning, design, right-of-way purchasing, and traffic signals to administering construction contracts.  The District 5 office also performs highway maintenance, including pothole patching, mowing, and snow removal.
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Highway District Map
Click a District number to view more information. 

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Bullitt County

579 Charles Hamilton Way
Shepherdsville, KY  40165
(502) 543-2530

Franklin County

1900 US 127 South
Frankfort, KY  40601
(502) 564-3414


Henry County

368 Port Royal Road
Campbellsburg, KY  40011
(502) 845-2831


Jefferson County – East

313 English Station Road
Louisville, KY  40223
(502)  245-9552


Jefferson County – West

4334 Poplar Level Road
Louisville, KY  40213
(502) 458-1333

Oldham County

3995 N. Highway 393
LaGrange, KY 40031
(502) 222-9009


Shelby County

555 Seven Mile Pike
Shelbyville, KY  40065
(502) 633-1744


Spencer County

3375 Bloomfield Road
Taylorsville, KY  40071
(502) 477-2242


Trimble County

1104 US 421 North
Bedford, KY  40006
(502) 255-3337

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Snow and Ice Information:
Snow and Ice Updates button
Snowky.ky.gov button

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This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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