Bullitt County: I-65 at KY 480 Interchange Improvements - Project 05-391.3

​​​​​ky 480 dcd.PNG

Improve traffic flow at the Interstate 65/KY 480 interchange in Bullitt County. This project will improve access to existing and committed businesses in Cedar Grove Business Park and the surrounding area. 
​Project Scope
The scope of the project includes the reconstruction of the existing interchange to a Double Crossover Diamond (DCD). 
​Type of Project
A DCD is an interchange with two signalized intersections, where traffic between the intersections crosses over to the left side of the roadway. As vehicles exit the interchange, they return to the right side of the road. This design allows vehicles to turn left onto and off of freeway ramps without stopping or crossing opposing lanes of traffic. ​

The selected alternative design (DCD) will offer: 
  • A more balanced improvement to the KY 480 signalized intersections on each side of I-65. The two-phased traffic signals provide better coordination with the other traffic signals in the KY 480 corridor
  • Both entrance ramps to I-65 are free-flow ramps. Crossed-over traffic does not have to wait at a traffic signal to enter I-65.

  • Analysis shows that traffic will not back up onto I-65

  • There was a concern with the other alternative: during the construction of its retaining wall under I-65, some of the interstate lanes would have to be closed to remove vehicle loads.

  • It has the most significant potential to serve any future development in the KY 480 area west of I-65.


Double Crossover Diamond Alternative.pdf (selected alternative)

Hybrid Texas U-Turn Alternative.pdf (non-selected alternative)

KY 480 at I-65 typical section rendering.pdf

I-65 at KY 480 public meeting handout June 2 2016.pdf

I-65 at KY 480 Questionnaire.pdf (submission deadline: June 17, 2016)

Videos of the traffic simulations shown at the public meeting can be found on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/KYTCDistrict5 .  

*Some files are large and may take a few minutes to load.
​Project Timeline

  • As of Spring 2024 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

    • The Right of Way phase has been completed.
    • LG&E (gas) and Salt River Electric (overhead electric) have been relocated.
    • Water (LWC) and sewer (City of Shepherdsville) are set to be located with the road contract.
    • All communications relocations have been completed. 
    • The project is anticipated to be in a Fall 2023 letting. 
    • The project was awarded in November 2023, with preliminary work set to begin on Monday, January 8, 2024. 
    • Construction is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2025. 
Non-selected alternative
Hybrid of the Texas U-Turn interchange. The typical Texas U-Turn interchange design is frequently used on freeways flanked by one-way frontage roads. At freeway interchanges, exiting ramp traffic that desires to access the frontage road on the opposite side of the freeway is routed under the bridge without crossing the opposing traffic on the crossroad - essentially a U-turn movement positioned tight against the bridge abutment. This type of design eliminates several traffic conflict points that are common with more traditional interchange designs. The normal Texas U-Turn design for the KY 480 interchange is modified to address the heavy southbound to eastbound ramp movement.
​Public Input
​A public meeting was held on Thursday, June 2, 2016, to present all alternatives and additional information to area residents and motorists. The I-65 Questionnaire submission deadline was June 17, 2016.
​Project Manager
Bullitt County Section Office
Phone: 502.955.5436​

This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

​Page Last Updated: 03-21-2024​

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