Jefferson County: I-264/US 42 Interchange Improvement - Project 05-804

​​SPUI i264 and us 42.PNG

KY 22 from just before Warrington Way to right before the Herr intersection. ​The EB right lane (shown below) would then drop to the existing turn lane onto Herr:

KY 22 from just before Warrington Way to right before the Herr intersection.JPG

US 42 a​nd Rudy Lane intersection:​

US 42 and Rudy Lane intersection.JPG

​Multi-use pathways


Improve traffic flow on Interstate 264, Interstate 71, U.S. 42, and Westport Road.

​Project Scope
  • Reconstruction of the I-264/US 42 (Brownsboro Road) interchange
  • Improvements to I-264 between Westport Road and I-71 interchanges
  • Widening of I-264 to provide three basic through lanes in each direction and auxiliary lanes between interchanges  
  • Two-lane ramps will be added from I-264 eastbound to I-71 northbound and I-264 westbound off-ramp to Westport Road
  • A two-lane on-ramp will be added at U.S. 42 to I-264 westbound 
​Selected Alternative for Reconstruction of the I-264/US 42 (Brownsboro Road) interchange
(from Public Input)

Traffic simulations for the morning and afternoon commute in the year 2040 for the interchange and the I-264 widening are linked here:

This video shows a traffic simulation in 2040 (morning traffic) of Interstate 264 after it is widened from four lanes to six lanes between Westport Road and Interstate 71: Click Here for Video

This video shows a traffic simulation in 2040 (evening traffic) of Interstate 264 after it is widened from four lanes to six lanes between Westport Road and Interstate 71: Click Here for Video 

This video shows a traffic simulation at the U.S. 42/I-264 interchange in 2040 with a Single Point Urban Interchange configuration. Click Here for Video

This video shows a traffic simulation at the U.S. 42/I-264 interchange in 2040 with a Single Point Urban Interchange configuration. Click Here for Video

Documents presented at the 2014 Public Meeting: 5-804 Single Point Urban Interchange.pdf

2011 Planning Study

SAFERoad Solutions: Single-Point Urban Interchange (SPUI)

​Project Timeline

As of February 2025 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE):

  • Final roadway plans have been finalized 
  • KYTC has acquired all necessary right-of-way, including the control of access rights when applicable, including legal and physical possession.
  • Substantial utility relocation on the project has been achieved, and the project letting date has been established for March 20, 2025. Once the project has been awarded, the contractor will mobilize and provide KYTC with their construction schedule​. We anticipate the letting process to take at least one month. 
  • ​LG&E utility relocations are substantially complete.   Communication relocations were performed in conjunction with LG&E relocations. For LG&E project information, please visit: ​ LG&E-KY / US 42
  • The construction funding will be distributed over three construction seasons, with the first allotment becoming available in the federal fiscal year 2025. ​ Funding Type: NH.

*The above project milestone dates are subject to change due to changes in funding availability within the next Enacted Highway Plan.

UPDATE - Noise barrier wall construction:

All the noise barrier walls will be installed when the project is let to construction (see above timeline). Locations of sound barrier walls can be found here: U.S. 42 I-264 Noise Wall mtg UPDATED 3-25-22.pdf 

​Public Input
A public meeting was held on July 24, 2014, to present three alternatives for reconstructing the I-264/US 42 interchange. Design plans were also shown (at the meeting) for widening I-264, improving KY 22, and adding turning lanes at U.S. 42 and Rudy Lane at the meeting. Comments from the public meeting and questionnaire were accepted until August 8, 2014.
Documents presented at the 2014 Public Meeting: 5-804 Single Point Urban Interchange.pdf

A Noise Barrier Public Meeting was held on March 29, 2022, to inform the property owners and residents that during the preliminary design, it was determined that noise barriers are acoustically feasible and reasonable to construct in three locations on the project.
Properties identified as benefited receptors in the Traffic Noise Impact Analysis were notified (via mail). The letter provided a brief description of the project, the findings of the noise assessment, figures showing the location of the proposed barriers, and the purpose, date, and time for the Noise Barrier Information Meeting. 
Then, for a 30-day comment period, 126 comments/ballots were received from benefited property owners and residents. Both owners and residents nearly unanimously supported the construction of noise barriers.
Supporting Documents provided at the Noise Barrier Public Meeting: U.S. 42 I-264 Noise Wall mtg UPDATED 3-25-22.pdf

Multi-use pathways
​After receiving public comments advocating for the implementation of mixed-use pathways as a safer alternative to unprotected bike lanes, the project team has considered those requests along with the latest industry guidance for providing pedestrians and cyclists with the safest experience while traveling along public roadways.  

The project team reviewed several options and concluded that the use of the multi-use paths on the outside of the curb was the best option due to the heavy turning movements on US 42.  This option stays within the right of way and provides connectivity on both sides of the interchange, which is a safer option for cyclists as they will have to navigate multiple ramps going through.  This option has near 90-degree crossings, allowing the length of the pedestrian crossing to be reduced, which is also a lot safer for pedestrians.  This plan change also has the support of the Louisville Metro Government.

The new 10-foot concrete multiuse path extends the length of the project on US 42 and is provided on both sides of the roadway. It begins on the west at Rudy Lane, traverses through the interchange, and ends at the Northfield Drive intersection to the east.​
*See diagram above*

​Project Manager
Keith Downs 
Phone: 502.764.0515

‭(Hidden)‬ Supporting Documents

This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

Page Last Updated: 02-17-2025​

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