East Kentucky Street over South Fork Beargrass Creek Bridge Replacement - Project 05-1070

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​E Kentucky Street over South Fork Beargrass Creek Bridge Replacement 05-1070.JPG

This project addresses the structural deficiencies of the bridge on East Kentucky Street over South Fork Beargrass Creek (0.01 mile east of Schiller Avenue). 
The German-Paristown Park is located at 1134 E. Kentucky Street, Louisville, KY 40204, adjacent to the project, on the southeast corner of the bridge. It is a playground on 0.43 acres and was acquired in 1978.
​Project Scope
Bridge Replacement 
​Type of Project

​Replace the bridge on East Kentucky Street over South Fork Beargrass Creek, which is structurally deficient. The last inspection in December 2021 indicated that the current bridge has a poor rating with a posted load of 18 tons. Another inspection will be performed at the end of 2023.​

​​​5-1070 E Kentucky Street Bridge over South Fork Beargrass Creek.pdf
​Traffic Control

All alternatives include a complete closure and short detour to maintain traffic flow. The road experiences a low traffic volume (2,400 average daily traffic -ADT), and the closure will be required for a short time. The state-designated road detour is approximately 1.65 miles, and a city street detour is 0.33 miles.

The full closure is necessary for the removal and replacement of the structure due to the associated risk with the water main and for the public's safety.

​Public Input
The public comment period ended on October 31, 2023.

To share concerns/comments, contact Donna Hardin (click name to email) or via phone at (502) 764-0834.

​Project Timeline

As of Winter 2023/2024 (*SUBJECT TO CHANGE)​:

  • Upon completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document, the final design will be decided upon, and right-of-way acquisition will begin. 
  • ​We anti​cipate construction will begin in early Summer of 2024. 

Non-selected alternatives
A rehabilitation alternative was investigated, but it was concluded that the pre-1930 arch structure, with a 48-inch water main of approximately the same age, has too many unknown risks. Therefore, the design team decided to replace the existing structure with a new one in the exact location. 

A precast three-sided culvert was investigated. However, it would not provide the necessary cover to protect the 48-inch water main, so the preferred build alternative is a Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) bridge. The PCI bridge will have concrete I-beams deep enough to shelter the 48-inch water main.​

Construction Information
A temporary easement will be needed for the construction of the preferred alternative. Impacts to this parcel include clearing of overgrown shrubs for construction access. Commitments have been made to the Official With Jurisdiction (OWJ) to install temporary construction fencing along proposed construction limits before construction activities start to protect the 4(f) property and the public. 

Access to German-Paristown Park shall be maintained at all times except for the time needed to occupy the property temporarily. The duration of the temporary occupancy shall be less than the time needed to construct the project. 

Appropriate signage shall be installed to alert users of German-Paristown Park of construction activities, access restrictions/closures and to direct users to secondary access points, if necessary. The staging and storage of construction equipment or materials shall not occur outside of proposed construction limits within the defined boundaries of the 4(f) property. 

The contractor shall be required to closely coordinate the construction schedule with KYTC, the OWJ, and other entities, as appropriate. Upon completion of the project, the land used from the park (temporary easement) must be fully restored to a condition that is at least as good as that which existed before the project.

This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

​Page Last Updated: 01-05-2024

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