TTI Article: What Does Congestion
Cost?Congestion has several effects
on travelers, businesses, agencies and cities. One significant element is the
value of the additional time and wasted fuel. The top 14 urban areas include
about two-thirds of the delay estimated for 2005, and the top 20 areas account
for over 75 percent of annual delay.
What Does Congestion
Cost.pdfMinnesota DOT Benefit
Cost AnalysisThis document is
intended to provide guidance to perform benefit-cost analysis for highway
projects. The guidance includes: background information on benefit-cost analysis
and how it may fit into the project development process; discussion of economic
terms and principles; review of relevant stages in conducting a benefit-cost
analysis for highway projects; advice on using benefit-cost results.
DOT Benefit Cost AnalysisAAA Crashes
vs. Congestion: What's the Cost to Society?When American motorists talk about transportation
problems, they generally key in on traffic. Snarled highways, epic commutes, and
gridlocked business and commercial districts mar our suburban existence,
weighing heavily upon our elected leaders, our policymakers, and our families.
Yet there's a more costly problem to be addressed on America's roads: motor
vehicle crashes.
AAA Crashes vs. Congestion:
What's the Cost to Society?