Utah DOTUDOT implemented Utah's first CFI (Continuous flow
intersection) at 3500 South and Bangerter Highway. The new intersection improved
traffic flow through the area with the use of an innovative new approach to
intersection design. Compared to a traditional intersection, it reduces the
steps in the light cycle and places left turns along a safer path.
DOTContinuous Flow Intersections are
a new style of intersection, developed in Mexico. In the US, CFIs have been
implemented in Louisiana, Maryland and New York, while one is currently being
constructed in Utah. The first CFI in Missouri was constructed in South St.
Louis county, at the intersection of Route 30 and Summit Drive.
SimulationView a video demonstration
of how continuous flow intersections work.
SimulationMaryland Intersection
DesignLeft-turning vehicles begin
their turn several hundred feet prior to the main intersection at a signalized
"crossover" intersection and move into separated lanes to the right of the
opposing thru movement. The protected left turns are completed simultaneously
with thru movements, allowing simple two-phase intersection signal control.
Intersection Design