External Audit


Primary Contact: Stephanie Banks, Audit Manager (502)782-4048
The External Audit Branch performs audits of overhead rates, consultant contracts, utility/railroad companies and miscellaneous audits as requested. The audits are performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards (GAGAS) as well as the AASHTO Uniform Audit and Accounting Guide.
Indirect Cost Rate Submissions​
Per 600 KAR 6:040 Section 3 (1) (b), all consultants pre-qualified to perform work for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet must submit an indirect cost rate package to the External Audit Branch within 5 months of the consultant's fiscal year end.  The indirect cost rate package must include:
  1. Schedule of Indirect Costs for the audit period
  2. Schedule of Employees, Pay Rates, and Job Classifications for the current year
  3. Payroll register for the current year
  4. Detailed general ledger for the audit period
  5. Audited financial statements or a financial statement certified as accurate by an officer of the company
  6. Certification of final indirect cost; and
  7. AASHTO Internal Control Questionnaire for Consulting Engineers (including attachments)

Circulars and Other News:

 Current Audit Plan

             Firms S​elected for Audit-2025

        KYTC Position PPP Forgiveness

       KYTC Certification - Payroll Protection Program 2020 04

        FHWA PPP Memo

       Circular 2020-12 (Preparing for an Overhead Audit)

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International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
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Usage Tax / U-Drive-It Program Audit Assistance
External Audit
​​This page is maintained by Carly.Cockley@ky.gov, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

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